Hi there, I am Bob Belderbos, a Python developer and coach with a passion for teaching & learning programming. I have been working with Python for ~12 years and have been teaching it for over 7 years (through Pybites). 🐍👨‍🏫

As a software developer, I have worked on a variety of projects ranging from web development, data analysis, and all kinds of cool things I needed to learn to get the job done for myself as well as the 100+ clients I have coached over the years. 💻📊

But I always like to look further and be challenged, which means don't get too comfortable and keep learning new things. 🚀📚

learning rust as python developer (not the official logo yet lol)

So I decided to pick up Rust in June 2024, a language that was on my radar for a while. I have been hearing a lot of good things about Rust and I am excited about how it's increasingly used in the Python ecosystem (e.g. Pydantic and ruff). 🦀✨

As we often say @ Pybites: the best way to learn is A. build complete projects end-to-end in your target language, and B. teach what you learn. Hence the blog which forces me to do both. 📝🔍

Expect practical content with a focus on learning by doing, understanding things from a Python developer's lens, and sharing my journey as I learn Rust. 🛠️🔄

Who knows what will come from it ... I might end up writing more Rust than Python, or I might end up writing more Python with a different perspective. Regardless, I am sure that learning a compiled (and no garbage collection) language like Rust will make me a better programmer! 🧑‍💻💡

$ fsays 'I am learning some Rust today!'

< I am learning some Rust today! >
        \) /  o o  \ (/
          '_   -   _'
          / '-----' \

(I installed fsay with cargo install fsay 😄)

You can reach out to me on X, Fosstodon, and LinkedIn.

If you're interested in Python, make sure you join our Pybites Circle community as well. 🐍🎉